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طلبك سوف ابحث عنه واليك مجموعة مختارة للبحث السريع فى الموضوع لحين تحميل كتب فى هذا التخصص عما قريب ومع تحياتى
موقع جديد ومهم جدا تحمل منه كتب ومراجع قيمة فى كافة تخصصات الطب الأثنين 13-7-2009-
The heart
The human heart is a pear-shaped structure about the size of a fist. It lies obliquely within the chest cavity just left of center, with the apex pointing downward
The heart is constructed of a special kind of muscle called myocardium or cardiac muscle, and is enclosed in a double-layered, membranous sac known as the pericardium
A wall of muscle divides the heart into two cavities: the left cavity pumps blood throughout the body, while the right cavity pumps blood only through the lungs
Each cavity is in turn divided into two chambers, the upper ones called atria, the lower ones ventricles.
Venous blood from the body, containing large amounts of carbon dioxide, returns to the right atrium. It enters the right ventricle, which contracts, pumping blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs
Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left atrium and enters the left ventricle, which contracts, forcing the blood into the aorta, from which it is distributed throughout the body. In addition, the heart employs a separate vascular system to obtain blood for its own nourishment
مجموعة مقترحة سريعة للبحث فى المواضيع الطبية وتحميل الكتب